Monday, November 24, 2014

Mockingay was a hit, but for a franchise, it is a box-office disapoinment

It's aways bad news when something in the box office, Mockingjay: Part 1 was a sucsess at the box-office, but for the Hunger Games franchise, it is a box-office disapoinment.

 Mockingjay: Part 1 was the lowest film in the franchise for $123 Million. See the ranks via rentrak:
1Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1, TheLionsgate$123,000,0004,15129,631$123,000,000
2Big Hero 6Disney$20,086,0003,6505,503$135,708,069
4Dumb And Dumber ToUniversal$13,819,9803,1884,335$57,472,880
5Gone Girl20th Century Fox$2,815,0001,6091,749$156,823,212
6Beyond The LightsRelativity Media$2,630,0001,7661,489$10,123,777
7St. VincentThe Weinstein Company$2,354,0001,7071,379$36,612,651
9BirdmanFox Searchlight$1,855,0008622,151$14,407,107
10Theory Of Everything, TheFocus Features$1,500,00014010,714$2,796,177


Friday, November 21, 2014

I Do not want to wait another november for Mockingjay part 2 to come out. I want to wait for a few months seprate to the november release of part 1, the summer release date for part 2 is the new release date that we can wait for summer 2015, instead of waiting for november for part 2 comming out.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Good Greif! another teaser for The Peanuts Movie has come! but this time, there will be laughs in this one! but, sadly it won't come until November 6th, 2015! Arrrrrrrggghh!

Well, it will be relased for november becuase there's an anerversary* comming.

Oh, and one thing.... It will be made by Blue Sky Studios, the studio behind Ice Age and Rio.


Yeah I Know, I Like the Film Rio, but the entire film is a WTF moment within a WTF Moment, and it got a sequel, Oh Lord!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

All is Not Lost, Interstellar wins the war at the worldwide box-office

Look who won the war at the worldwide box-office via rentrak:

Big Hero 6$47,910,000$11,900,000$36,010,000$148,353,891$36,700,000$111,653,891DIS24DIS
Dumb And Dumber To$47,053,010$9,000,000$38,053,010$47,053,010$9,000,000$38,053,010MUL17UNI
Penguins Of Madagasc...$11,300,000$11,300,000 $11,300,000$11,300,000 FOX1FOX
Gone Girl$9,425,000$4,800,000$4,625,000$319,398,885$166,700,000$152,698,885FOX36FOX
Don't Go Breaking My...$9,000,000$9,000,000 $24,000,000$24,000,000 MUL6ASIA
Beyond The Lights$6,500,000 $6,500,000$6,500,000 $6,500,000MUL1REL
Teenage Mutant Ninja...$4,385,000$4,200,000$185,000$474,362,931$283,200,000$191,162,931PAR21PAR

Looks like Interstellar has ended Disney Insanaty After all.

Next Year, Sadly, We will have no films from Disney Animation... Instead Pixar takesover disney as part of their deal: Release 2 Pixar Films for Every 2 Years, Release 1 Pixar Film for Every 2 Years, And Disney will Release 2 films from Disney Animation for every 2 Years.

So Next Year would become "The Year of Pixar".

Death to Big Hero 6! Dumb and Dumber To Kills Big Hero 6 at the Box Office

When Nolan's Interstellar Failed distroy Big Hero 6 at the box office, It was a sad time to try to stop Disney's own insanaty. Buuuuuuut... There was hope, Dumb and Dumber To has come here to distroy it at the box-office, see those ranks via RenTrak:
1Dumb And Dumber ToUniversal$38,053,0103,15412,065$38,053,010
2Big Hero 6Disney$36,010,0003,7739,544$111,653,891
4Beyond The LightsRelativity Media$6,500,0001,7893,633$6,500,000
5Gone Girl20th Century Fox$4,625,0001,9592,360$152,698,885
6St. VincentThe Weinstein Company$4,025,0002,3321,725$33,257,684
8NightcrawlerOpen Road$3,037,7802,1031,444$25,000,298
10BirdmanFox Searchlight$2,450,0008572,858$11,575,367

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Mysterious Message

Just Recently a Mysterious Message has just sent me. I Don't Know, but the message is a morse code.

Will you translate the code?

-.. . .- .-.  .-. . .- -.. . .-. --..--  .- ...  -.-- --- ..-  .- .-. .  .-. . .- -.. .. -. --.  - .... .. ... --..--  ..  .-- .. .-.. .-..  -.-. --- -. - .- -.-. -  -.-- --- ..-  .-- .. - ....  - .... .  .. -. ..-. --- -- .- - .. --- -.  - .... .- -  ..  .-- .. .-.. .-..  --. .. ...- .  -.-- --- ..- --..--  .--. .-.. . .- ... .  .-- .- .. -  ..-. --- .-.  .. -. ... - .-. ..- -.-. - .. --- -. ... .-.-.-     -....-  -.-- --- ..- .-. ...  - .-. ..- .-.. -.-- --..--  .- -. --. . -. -  -. --- ...- .-

Need Help? Click the Link:

Comment to reveal the message from the morse code, i will know.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

New Feature: Disqus

That was Quick. now comments will be serve via disqus, the easy way to post comments! Don't be shy, comment!
New addition comming up: Media Manac will get Disqus.

Blizzard annouces Overwatch, The New Game in 17 years

As you heard yesterday, Blizzard Entertament annouces their New Game in 17 years, Overwatch, The Team-Basted FPS that makes the game i thought as "Team Fortress 2 meets Big Hero 6"

Watch the Cinematic and Gameplay Trailers Here:

The Beta would come to Early 2015, sign-in for the beta at

3000 Views: Welcome to Media Maniac 3.0

What i told you that the Blog will change once it hits 3000 views, now we did it!

Here's The Blog's first look when it started:

Now look at the secound look when we hit 500 views:

Now see the third look? It's There, we did it, it's now changed.

Welcome To Media Maniac 3.0 the next-gen version of the blog dedicated to media news such as Movies, Games, TV, and more.
Almost to 3000 views...
Only few more views and this blog will be changed.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Oh PLEASE Nolan Make Interstellar Win the Box-Office War against Disney, Oh PLEASE Nolan Make Interstellar Win the Box-Office War against Disney, PLEEEEEAAAASSSE?! I WANT INTERSTELLAR TO END DISNEY'S INSANATY!

Update #1: SAVAGES! SAVAGES! Let start the drums of Waaaaaaaaar!

Update #2: Nolan:Yes, YES, YES! Disney: No, NO NO!

Update #3: This is the day! This is the moument! Now for the box office report is comming to see who won the war. Nolan? Or is it Disney?


The Hope for Distroying Disney's Maddness has failed, The Disney-fied Adaption of Marvel's Big Hero 6 has distroyed Nolan's Interstellar at the box-office. (Well, Interstellar is not flop, but there will be a war commin' when Innerstellar will battle Big Hero 6 again next week.)

Almost to 3000, keep it up!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

So Episode 7 of Star Wars get a new name today, "The Force Awakens" According to Star War's own twitter account.

Hey guys, i must inform you that media maniac will be redisigned once the blog hits 3000 views.

Stay tuned for more.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

By Lord, Now there was a teaser for Minions, The Spin-off Prequel of the animated film Dispicable Me, i will warn you now, Spoilers Ahead!

Note: Some of the scenes from the trailer are part of the first minites so sometimes it will be misleading. Wikipedia will tell you the truth.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

So as people heard, The teaser for Furious 7 was released. And i will give you the warning, it is spolier-heavy material.